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January 16, 2017: Just as I predicted would eventually happen (back on December 16, 2014), the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) has ended their search for the MH370 plane crash wreckage in their search area without ever finding MH370 in it: Underwater search of 120,000 square-kilometre area in the southern Indian Ocean completed. Wreckage of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 not found there. Malaysia, China and Australia announce decision to suspend the underwater search. "Paul Kennedy, the project director of Fugro – the Dutch company leading the search – acknowledged on Thursday [July 21, 2016] that, if the plane was not found there, "it means it's somewhere else"."


Friday, May 30, 2014

Method of calculating MH370's distance from satellite

Hover over image to open it in a larger view.

This is the basis for the preliminary analysis I am currently doing:

"Slant Range to target is measured by round trip delay in the received echo. It is the speed of light multiplied by the time delay and divided by two to account for the round trip." (Source)

Rp = Slant Range, Satellite to MH370
Dp = Distance, Satellite to MH370
Hp = Height, Satellite to MH370
Ep = Elevation Angle, MH370 to Satellite

Rg = Slant Range, Satellite to GES
Dg = Distance, Satellite to GES
Hg = Height, Satellite to GES
Eg = Elevation Angle, GES to Satellite

Hs = Height, Satellite to ground

T = (2 x (Rp + Rg) ) / c
T = round trip time of messages
c = speed of light

Rg = sqrt( (Dg x Dg) + (Hg x Hg) )

Rp = ((T x c) / 2) - Rg

Dp = sqrt( (Rp x Rp) - (Hp x Hp) )


Drawing Not To Scale

Hp unknown, test for Satellite Height (Hs) minus MH370 Height (0 to 45000 feet)

delta times calculated from Inmarsat MH370 log file will include various overhead times that need to be determined and subtracted out, when computing Rp

Revision 1: Updated diagram on June 02, 2014. Updated blog post on June 03, 2014.

Diagram posted on May 30, 2014:


  1. I believe the equation for T should not be 2x which is only used for radar where the pulse goes out and back for twice the range.

    Would it be possible to include the effects of the curvature of the earth for Dp?

    The system fixed latency time + time from sat to GES should be added separately in the equation then you don't need to know or use Rg. This constant time can then be calculated based on the measured times on the ground at KL.Then used to correct all other BTO values after take off.

    Rp = (Tbto-Tresidual) x c where the constant Tresidual is calculated from the known Rp and Tbto on the ground at KL.

  2. Here is an Inmarsat system presentation I found on the web. General overview information but still worth a look.

  3. Do you know where to get the 18-pages letter? I can't use the link in "IN FULL: Read the MH370 letter"

    The full article is here

    thanks in advance!

  4. You label Hg as "Height, satellite to GES." This is confusing, it looks as though Hg is Height, MH370 to GES... No?


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I appreciate any useful information relevant to the disappearance of MH370.